

Review: Rhizosphere Size & Shape:

Review: Rhizosphere Size & Shape:

Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern-Triggered Immunity in Plants (Hou et al., 2019): 🌱 🦠

The model organism Arabidopsis thaliana produces specialized metabolites capable of selectively tailoring the soil surrounding its roots to suit its own purposes. This could help explain why plants have evolved such vast metabolic diversification. ($)

🥭 Population genomic analysis of mango (Mangifera indica) suggests a complex history of domestication (Warschefsky and von Wettberg, 2019) $: 🥭

Rapid Responses to Abiotic Stress: Priming the Landscape for the Signal Transduction Network (kollist et al., 2019):

Stomata can respond within minutes to different stimuli, such as ozone, pathogen infection, or light stress, and this response can be propagated from the affected leaf to different systemic leaves by the ROS/Ca2+ wave.

Just the right temperature (Way, 2019):

🍃🌲 Carbon dioxide must diffuse through stomata to reach the photosynthetic machinery, and stomata close under hot, dry conditions, reducing carbon dioxide availability at high temperatures and thus creating physiological constraints on productivity. 🌏

Science and Culture: Light-seeking mobile houseplants raise big questions about the future of technology PNAS #PlantSci

