
Removing dead, dying, and diseased branches, and palm leaves


tree branches routinely die and typically generate protection wood in the branch some distnce beyond the branch protection zone formed in the collar. Dead branches eventually fall off trees because they break in this protection wood, leaving a dead stub (figure 5-15, left), removing dead stubs and dead branches is considered a beneficial practice because it allows the pruning wound to close (anderson, 1951). A dead stubs a physical obstacle to closure. However, there are studies suggesting that removing dead stubs can increase trunk decay under certain circumstance (smith, dingle, kearney, and motago,2006). No special treatment are necessary for either the pruning cut or the pruning tools following removal of most dead branches.


去除殘枝和枯枝是有益的,因為允許修剪傷口能夠閉合,死亡的殘枝有物理阻礙影響閉合。然而研究表示,在某些情形下,移除死亡的枝條會增加樹幹的腐朽(smith, dingle, kearney, and motago,2006). 


Collars on dead branches can protrude well beyond those on living branches. The removal of the swollen collar growing around the dead branch stub is not recommended because it contains live trunk wood ( figure 5-15 ) removing the collar opens the trunk to more decay organisms because live wood is exposed, leaving the collar  in tact resists spread of decay into the trunk.


lonsdale(1999) reports that tools are not generally regarded as agents of disease transmission. There are some exceptions. Fusarium wilt in phenix dactlifera and some other phoenix palms can be spread  from one palm to another with saws(elliott,2009) phytophthora palmivore can be spread form one palm to another through fresh pruning cuts (Dr. monica elliott, personal communication).

Lonsdale(1999) 報告中修剪工具不會傳播疾病,有一些例外, 椰棗上鐮刀菌可以由鋸子傳播到另一棵椰棗,棕櫚疫病可以經由新鮮修剪傷口傳播。

Removing a dead branch or stub

figure 5-15. Do not cut into the swollen collar growing around the dead branch, even if it is large(left and center). A radial section shows that removing the collar from around the dead branch would injure the trunk because the collar is composed of trunk wood(right). Cutting in trunk wood initiates decay and possible cracks in the trunk above and below the cut. Compacted xylem and the pith resist decay.

圖 5-15



Canker stain is a serious disease of london plane tree (platanus x acerifolia) that can be spread on pruning tools and ropes. As  result, managers often prune only in winter and disinfect tools afer each tree is pruned. Regardless of whether tree are disease(perry and mccain,1998). Arborists pruning oaks susceptible to oak wilt(ceratocytis fagacarum) disinfect tool after each prunig cut if trees are suspected of containing the fungus. Disinfect tools following removal of black knot ( apiosporina morbosa) infected branches from cherry trees. Arborist report that some other disease (e.g., witches broom  [sphaeropsis] on hollies in florida) can be spread form onf tree to the next with pruning tools, although transmission of this particular disease has not been studied inf an organized manner. Chapter 6 discusses procedures for disinfecting tools.



櫻桃樹除去黑色結 apiosporina morbosa感染樹枝,工具也要消毒。


Wound dressing on pruning cuts. 

As a general rule, most pruning cuts do not benefit from a application of pruning paint. Consultcamilli, apple, and watson(2007) for a good review of current research on wound dressing application on trees. Several products are marketed as wound dressings. Some may stimulate rot by trapping moisture, inhibit compartmentalization, or serve as food source for canker pathogens. Certain dressings could injure tissue(dujesiefken and liese,1991). Oil-base paint could be toxic to tissue, causing a burn. Wound dressings do not prevent cracks, wood decay, or production of fungal fruiting bodies (dujesiefken,1999). There is no scientific evidence that they help the tree close over the pruning wound, although lanoline may slightly enhance growth rate of callus over wounds the first year after pruning, especially when made in the dormant season(crowdy,2008). If a dressing is to be applied for cosmetic reasons, apply only a thin coat. 


在大多情況下,大多數修剪傷口並不會因為塗料而受益,Consultcamilli, apple, and watson(2007)的研究進行很好的回顧,使用市面上幾種產品塗佈。有一些會補捉溼氣刺激腐爛,有的抑制區隔化作用,有的是潰瘍病菌食物來源,某些塗料可能會傷害組織。油性油漆可能對組織有毒,造成燒傷。




Some fungi that form cankers (bark lesions) can be inhibited by fungicidal sprays or pasters applied to the pruning cut. Asphalt paints applied to pruning wounds reportedly inhibit borer attacks on oak,      elm, and peacn(carya illinoensis). Form texas to minnesota where oak wilt is a problem, fresh pruning cuts on susceptible oaks are immediately covered with pruning paint(wound dressing) to reduce the attractiveness of fresh wounds to certain insect vectors that carry the pathogen. This helps minimize the spread of oak wilt, a devastating disease. Currently, oaks outside the range of current infestation should not need this protection. Wound dressings are best applied as a spray, not with a brush, to reduce likelihood of spreading disease.



Some pruning sprays contain active ingredients(e.g.,naphthalene acetic acid, or NAA) that help slow or minimize sprouting from a cut. These can be helpful on tree such as crabapple(malus spp.), cherry(prunus spp.), crapemyrtle (lagerstroemia spp.), and mesquite (prosopis spp.)(meyer and felker,2003) that sprout after pruning.


Terminal bud cluster pruning


terminal bud cluster pruning is occasionally used on young nursery trees. Although not traditionally referred to as pruning, it can be applied to oaks(quercus spp.), ashes (fraxinus spp.), and other trees that form a cluster of buds at the tip of current-year twigs. Th purpose is to prevent formation

of undesirable multiple leaders and clustered branches, resulting in very dominant leader. All buds except for the largest one, referred to as the terminal bud, are removed from the end section of the dormant twig. This causes axillary lateral buds, referred to as intercluster buds, along the dormant twig to emerge as shoots to because lateral branches(figure 5-16 ). branches typically emerge at a wider angle than they would without this treatment. This encourages development of a dominant central leader and helps in the effort to space branches apart(oleksak, kmetz-gonzalez, and stuve, 1997). treminal bud cluster pruning should promote rapid growth because no living wood is removed.

叢生頂芽修剪偶爾使用在幼苗苗木,雖然不是傳統上的修剪,可以應用在橡樹(quercus spp.)灰燼樹(fraxinus spp.),以及其它會形成叢生頂芽樹木,目的是防止形成不理想多主幹與叢枝,可以有主幹。



Figure 5-16. on young nursery trees, terminal bud cluster pruning removes all whorl buds and one or two of the topmost intercluster buds  at the tip of the dormant twig(left). The terminal bud remains intact and becomes the leader (right). Intercluster buds grow to become lateral branches. Lateral branches often grow more horizontally after this type of pruning than without it. Note:illustration after oleksak, kmetz-gonzalez, and struve,1997.

Check your knowledge 

1. when pruning a tree or shrub branch, the final cut should be:

a. flush with the parent stem.

b. just outside the branch bark ridge.

c. at about a 45-degrss angle.

d. just outside the collar.

2. the branch bark ridge is:

a. typically visible on some trees when there is no included bark.

b. visible in the union on all species. 

c. the place to begin a pruning cut.

d. an indication of a weak branch attachment.

3. included bark almost always:

a. forms in narrow unions.

b. forms on fast-growing branches.

c.Indicates a weak union 

d. form in wide unions.

4. in order minimize or prevent trunk decay when removing a live branch:

a.cut parallel to the trunk.

b.prune just after leaves have hardened off.

c.leave the branch bark ridge on the trunks.

d. prune in the dormant season

5. woundwood that closes over a properly executed pruning cut on a young tree forms an approximate



c.horseshoe shape.

d. diamond.

6. when removing a branch with in cluded bark that forms a narrow angle with the trunk:

a. cut just to the outside of the branch collar and branch bark ridge. 

b.use the drop-cut method to avoid bark stripping down the trunk.

c. begin the cut from the bottom of the branch.

d. all of the above

7. to prevent bark stripping down the trunk while removing a main branch from the trunk:

a. remove most of the weight before making the final cut.

b. prune in the dormant season when the sap is not flowing.

c.use a hand saw instead of a chain saw.

d. thin the branch before removing it.

8. if tree A and B are identical, and tree A is pruned primarily with reduction cuts and tree B is pruned primarily with removal cuts, both trees:

a. will be equally susceptible to stem decay.

b. will be equally susceptible to sun injury.

c. will have the same height.

d. may have been pruned in accordance with ANSI A300  part 1 pruning standard.

9. which of the follwing is NOT  true about reduction cuts and removal cuts?

a. both can thin the crown

b. both cut back to a collar.

c.both can reduce susceptibility to future storm damage.

d. doth can be applied according to ANSI A300 part 1 standard.

10. terminal bud cluster pruning is a technique used primarily

an illustrated guide to pruning. third edition . gilman

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