棒錘樹 Pachypodium namaquanum
棒錘樹 Pachypodium namaquanum
瑞士樹木護理協會品質簽屬書Statuts de la Charte de Qualité de l’ASSA
瑞士樹木護理協會品質簽屬書Statuts de la Charte de Qualité de l’ASSA
L'association suisse des soins aux arbres
L’arbre: un être vivant La charte de qualité, élaborée par l’ASSA, regroupe les professionnels qui s’engagent à pratiquer « l’Art de l’Arboriculture », en assurant la promotion et la protection de l’arbre.
Seules les entreprises membres de l’ASSA peuvent faire partie des entreprises se référant de la « charte de qualité »
Refuser toute pratique d’élagage drastique
Respecter les lois physiologiques qui régissent l’arbre
Effectuer des travaux selon les règles de l’Art :
Taille raisonnée: soins par des techniques scientifiquement reconnues, sans acharnement thérapeutique.
Amélioration de la qualité des échanges sol-racines, par l’aération du sol par une fertilisation organo-minérale par la mise en place d’un mulch. Elever des végétaux de qualité et effectuer des plantations dans les règles de l’Art.
Mettre tout en oeuvre pour protéger les arbres lors de travaux de constructions. Procéder aux traitement phytosanitaires seulement s’ils sont indispensables.
Favoriser le renouvellement et la pérennité du patrimoine arboré par de nouvelles plantations.
détails des statuts 2017
1. Objet
Cette Charte exprime l’esprit, les valeurs et les principes qui animent l’association afin de
promouvoir le respect de l’arbre.
2. Définition
La Charte de qualité de l’ASSA regroupe des professionnels qui s’engagent à pratiquer l’Art de
l’Arboriculture et toutes les activités qui s’y rapportent, en assurant la promotion et la protection de
celui-ci afin d’enrichir et de sauvegarder le patrimoine arboré, dans le respect des principes et de la
déontologie professionnelle définis dans la présente Charte.
3. Esprit et principes
L’arbre est un être vivant : il doit être considéré comme tel, ce qui implique de le traiter en
connaissance de son architecture, sa biologie, sa physiologie et son environnement, ainsi que le
précisent les règles de l’Art ci-après définies.
4. Admissions
4.1 Admission
Les nouveaux adhérents doivent être membre de l’association depuis au moins une année.
Les candidats sont admis provisoirement pendant une année. Pendant celle-ci, le demandeur ne peut
se prévaloir de l’appartenance à la Charte à des fins publicitaires. Durant cette année, le comité de
contrôle visite l’entreprise (locaux, organisation, sécurité, matériel) et constate plusieurs chantiers de
taille, dont un en cours de réalisation. Sur proposition du comité, l’assemblée générale de l’ASSA vote
sur l’admission effective du ou des nouveaux adhérents à la charte qui, dès ce moment-là, reçoit
(reçoivent) l’autorisation de faire de la publicité ainsi que les autocollants, fichiers, brochures
estampillés «Charte de qualité».
4.2 Admission des experts en arboriculture ornementale (cas particuliers)
Les experts doivent avoir au minimum 5 ans d’expérience dans la gestion des arbres et / ou les
travaux de soins aux arbres et / ou l’expérience de l’analyse sécuritaire des arbres.
4.3 Admission d’adhérent « extraordinaire »
La qualité de membre extraordinaire est ouverte à toute personne, association, fondation ou
administration qui s’engage à appliquer, à faire appliquer la Charte et promouvoir celle-ci.
5 Déontologie
5.1 Devoir des adhérents
5.1.1 : La Charte est contraignante, ses adhérents s’engagent à la promouvoir ainsi qu'à entretenir
des relations suivies et constructives avec les administrations publiques, les associations
professionnelles, les centres de formation et de recherches scientifiques suisses et internationaux
afin de faire progresser la profession.
5.1.2 : Les adhérents de la Charte de qualité de l’ASSA s’engagent à soutenir et encourager toute
initiative adoptée par l’association pour faire appliquer les dispositions de la présente Charte et de
dénoncer au comité toutes les fois où des pratiques contraires à la déontologie seront constatées.
5.1.3 : Les adhérents de la Charte de qualité de l’ASSA s’engagent à dénoncer au comité les
prestations réalisées ne correspondant pas aux prescriptions énoncées dans les clauses des marchés,
remettant en cause les règles de la concurrence loyale.
6. Règles de l’Art
6.1 Préambule
La diversité des sites et écosystèmes ainsi que les trop fréquentes modifications de l’environnement
immédiat des arbres (constructions, infrastructures, réseaux, imperméabilisation des sols, etc...)
impliquent le choix de plantes saines et si possible indigènes, d’essences adaptées aux sites et à leurs
futures contraintes ainsi qu'à leur rôle social et paysagé.
6.2 Application
Toutes les interventions arboricoles doivent être exécutées en respect de l’article 6.2.1
6.2.1. Définition
Ces règles sont définies par les connaissances théoriques et pratiques confirmées par les travaux sur
l’arboriculture ornementale moderne issus de recherches internationales reconnues.
6.2.2. Choix des essences et des sujets
La sélection des plantes doit tenir compte des contraintes existantes de l’environnement, de la
topographie, du climat, de la nature et de la qualité du sol afin que les sujets retenus puissent se
développer durablement dans les meilleures conditions. L’origine des plantes doit provenir d’une
pépinière garantissant l’authenticité variétale et une parfaite maîtrise des soins culturaux.
6.2.3. Plantation
Les divers travaux de plantation (dimension et façonnage de la fosse, choix et qualité du substrat et
des éléments filtrants, amendement, tuteurage, haubanage, tailles si nécessaire, protection et
entretien des jeunes sujets) doivent être accomplis selon les règles de référence de la directive des
plantations de la DGAN (canton de Genève).
6.2.4. Taille Conduite des jeunes sujets
Les interventions doivent permettre de conduire des jeunes arbres selon leur architecture naturelle,
leur situation et leurs fonctions sociales ou paysagères.
Dans des cas spécifiques et justifiés, les formes architecturées sont prévisibles. Généralités et autres interventions
• Intervention sur la couronne : Les travaux de taille doivent être réalisés en tenant compte des
périodes de taille spécifiques à chaque espèce.
• Toute transformation profonde du mode de conduite d’un arbre adulte est à proscr
Les entreprises spécialisées dans les soins aux arbres se sont regroupées en une association professionnelle suisse. Les membres affiliés s’engagent à pratiquer l’Art de l’Arboriculture en assurant la promotion et la protection de l’arbre. Les professionnels qui souscrivent à cette charte doivent, entre autres, garantir de pratiquer la taille raisonnée et de respecter les lois qui régissent l’arbre, mais aussi de refuser les mandats d’élagage drastique.
Entreprises de soins aux arbres
membres de la Charte de Qualité en 2020
ABDF Bonadei-Chassot ,rte de Chancy 414, 1237 Avully Tél : 079 624 73 12 / 022 349 53 77 Site internet: www.soins-arbres-geneve.ch Courriel: info@abdf.ch Arbre & Co Sàrl – Rte de Pirracholâtre 6. 3972 Miège Tél. 079 732 74 97 Site internet: www.arboriste-grimpeur.ch Courriel: arbre.co@bluewin.ch Arbres & Partenaires – Grand'Rue de Peney 181445 Vuiteboeuf Tél. 079 672 12 05 Site internet: www.arbres-et-partenaires.ch Courriel: info@arbres-et-partenaires.ch Arbro Service – 2336 Les Bois (JU), tél. 079 342 94 00/032 961 14 57 Site internet: www.arbroservice.ch Courriel: arbroservice@bluewin.ch Entre Terre et Ciel – ch. des Blessionniers 6, 1243 Presinge Tél. 079 540 60 36/079 241 89 12 Site internet: www.etc-sarl.ch Courriel: etc-sarl@bluewin.ch Frédéric Hunziker Sàrl Soins aux arbres - Spécialiste en soins aux arbres avec brevet fédéral Rue du Village 10A, 1053 Bretigny/Morrens Tél: +41 (0)79 684 64 15 sur-Morrens. Site internet: F. Hunziker Courriel: fredhunziker@bluewin.ch Histoire d’arbres Jonathan Christe Ponty, 1860 Aigle Tél: 079 370 63 88 Site internet : www.histoiredarbres.ch Courriel: jonachriste@gmail.com Jacquet SA – rue des Vollandes 23, 1207 Genève, CP 6149, 1211 Genève 6 Tél. 022 849 80 00 Site internet www.jacquet.ch Courriel: juliette.sgorbini@jacquet.ch JB Jardins SA, 10, av. de Budé, 1202 Genève Tél: 022 733 13 36 / 079 658 93 86 Site internet: www.jb-entretien-jardins.ch Courriel: c.tedeschi@jbsa.ch Les Artisans de l’arbre – CP 457, 1214 Vernier Tél. 079 250 66 12/022 341 47 70 Site internet: www.adela.ch Courriel: mail@adela.ch Longchamp Sébastien rt de Froideville 1, 1041 Bottens Tél. 079 412 06 79 Site internet: Soins aux arbres Courriel: seblongchamp@hotmail.ch Oberholzer Florian – St-Jean d’En-Haut 31, 3961 St-Jean Anniviers Tél. 078 879 09 77 Site internet: www.soins-aux-arbres.ch Courriel: oberholzer.florian@gmail.com Vertitech, soins aux arbres Marc Verdon Av.de Rolliez 4,1800 Vevey , Tél. 079 478 62 28 Site internet: www.vertitech.ch Courriel: verdon@vertitech.ch Woodtli + Leuba SA – ch. Village 21A, 1124 Gollion Tél. 079 449 26 27/021 697 01 02 Site internet: www.woodtli-leuba.ch Courriel: info@woodtli-leuba.ch
Westfield Land & Natural Resources History
Land & Natural Resources History
The Land and Natural Resources division manages over two hundred acres of park land and school sports fields, as well as an additional five thousand acres of forest land. The division has undergone many changes over the years, and like the land it oversees, it will continue to change. Here is a short overview of some of the many challenges the division has seen throughout the years.
By the late 1800s, plant care had become an established and rapidly growing profession. During that same era, expanding industrialization and urbanization were adding new stresses to trees, and the detrimental effects were becoming apparent.
Before the advent of small, one-man chain saws and aerial lifts, all tree work was performed manually. Fortunately, the climbing gear and saws have evolved to make tree climbing safer and more efficient.
Techniques for moving large trees was a major emphasis or arboriculture in the 1930s and 1940s.
Following World War II, the well-dressed tree surgeon wore surplus military britches and high-lacing boots. Climbers used manila ropes and a bowline on a bight served as a saddle until bosun's seat and barrel stave saddles were introduced.
Chainsaw demonstration - 1949
Westfield Tree Ordinance
Westfield Tree Ordinance
• Sec. 16-150. - Title, purpose and authority.
This article shall be known as the City of Westfield Tree Ordinance.
Public shade trees and plantings on public grounds constitute an important public asset of the City of Westfield, enhancing the beauty and environmental health of the city and promoting the general and economic well being of the city. This public resource may best be improved and protected by a program of comprehensive management and regulation of planting, maintenance and removal. The condition of trees located on private property may, in certain circumstances, endanger the well being of public shade trees and plantings on public grounds and may otherwise endanger the health and safety of the inhabitants of the city, thus requiring city intervention for the public good.
This article is adopted in accordance with the authority granted, inter alia, by Amendment Article 89 to Article II of the Massachusetts Constitution, Chapter 294 of the Acts of Massachusetts 1920, as amended, and the powers granted to cities in the Massachusetts General Laws.
(Ord. No. 1340, 11-21-02)
• Sec. 16-151. - Definitions.
For the purpose of this article the following terms, phrases and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural include the singular, and words in the singular include the plural.
City: City of Westfield.
City property: All real property which is owned by the city or which is maintained by it. This includes interests of less than a fee simple interest but, if less than a fee simple interest is held, the city must also have the duty or right of maintenance.
Director of lands and natural resources: That person who holds the position of City of Westfield Director of Lands and Natural Resources as specified in section 13-231 of this Code of Ordinances. Also known as "the director."
Person: An individual but including corporations, societies, associations and partnerships.
Planting plan: A scaled drawing depicting all plant materials, specifications and any other information required by the director of lands and natural resources.
Property owner: That person shown as the owner of a parcel of real estate as listed in the current Westfield Board of Assessors' records.
Public right-of-way: The boundaries of the public right-of-way as set forth in an order of the city or of the county laying out a public way. The public right-of-way may include not only the traveled surface of the public way but lands adjacent thereto including sidewalks and treebelt.
Public shade trees: All trees, shrubs, bushes or other woody vegetation now or hereafter growing within a public way or adjacent thereto but within the boundaries of the public right-of-way.
Public trees: All trees, shrubs, bushes or other woody vegetation now or hereafter growing on city property. The term includes public shade trees as defined above.
Public way: Streets or roads, by whatever term so-called, laid out as public ways by order of the city or, within the boundaries of the city, the county, over which the public has the right of travel, but excluding state highways and Massachusetts Turnpike Authority property.
(Ord. No. 1340, 11-21-02)
• Sec. 16-152. - Public shade trees.
No person other than the director of lands and natural resources or his/her designee shall plant, spray, fertilize, prune, trim, cut above the ground, remove, cause injury to, or conduct any excavation within the drip line of, a public shade tree without first filing an application and procuring a written permit from the director of lands and natural resources. The director may issue the permit, may deny the permit or may issue the permit with conditions. Failure to comply with the conditions of a previously issued permit shall be grounds for denial.
Applications for permits must be made at the office of the department of public works not less than three business days in advance of the time the work is to commence with the exception that if the work consists of cutting down or removal of a public shade tree, the application shall be made no less than 30 days in advance. At the time that the application is submitted applicants who seek a permit to cut down or remove a public shade tree shall pay a non-refundable fee of $100.00. For all other permits, the fee to be paid is $5.00. City departments must apply for permits but are exempt from payment of a fee. The director shall waive the permit fee for those applicants who are planting public shade trees in accordance with a planting plan previously approved by the director. In cases of emergency an applicant may seek and receive oral permission from the director or his designee to trim or excavate within the drip line of a public shade tree without first submitting a written permit application. An emergency is defined as an unforeseen occurrence which requires immediate action to avoid or reduce significant injury or damage to persons or property. Within three business days after oral permission is granted, the applicant must submit a written application for the permit and the permit fee to the director who shall note the permit pre-approved due to emergency.
Upon completion of the work the permit holder shall promptly notify the director of lands and natural resources of the need to inspect the work. Within five business days after said notification, the director or his/her designee shall inspect the work and either approve it or reject it. If rejected, the director shall provide written notice stating the basis of the rejection and setting a reasonable date for reinspection. Failure on reinspection shall be grounds for issuance of a fine as set forth below.
The director of lands and natural resources may issue a citation of $250.00 to any person who violates the terms of this section 16-152, said citation to be disposed of by non-criminal disposition under chapter 1, section 1-9.1 of this Code of Ordinances. The penalty allowed hereunder is in addition to and not exclusive of any other penalty allowed by law, including any penalties authorized by M.G.L.A. c. 87.
Except as specified in this section 16-152, no public shade tree shall be cut down or removed by any person without a public hearing with notice thereof provided as required by this section. No less than seven days prior to the public hearing on a proposal to cut down or remove a public shade tree, the director of lands and natural resources shall cause notice of public hearing, specifying the size, type and location of the tree to be cut down or removed and the date, time and location of the public hearing to be posted in two or more public places within the city and upon the tree. The director shall also cause to be placed in a newspaper of general circulation in the city once in each of two successive weeks, the first said publication not to be less than seven days prior to the date of the public hearing, a copy of the notice as posted. At the conclusion of the hearing the director shall issue written decision either approving or rejecting the cutting down or removal of the tree. The director shall not approve the cutting down or removal of a tree if written objection is made at or before the public hearing unless such cutting or removal is approved by the mayor. Hearings and notices of hearings involving more than one tree may be consolidated.
The requirements for notice, public hearing and, if written objection, mayoral approval as set forth, above, shall not apply to trees to be trimmed, cut or removed by the director of natural resources, or his/her designee, in the following circumstances:
The tree to be cut down or removed is less than 1½ inches in diameter one foot from the ground;
The tree to be cut down or removed is deemed to obstruct, endanger, hinder or incommode persons traveling on the public way, or the lawful moving of buildings on the public way, and the work is ordered by the mayor;
The tree must be cut down or removed by order of the board of public works for the purpose of widening or alteration of the public right-of-way.
Removal of a public shade tree shall include either:
Excavation and removal of the rootball, or
Grinding of the stump to below ground level.
Upon removal, the area shall be leveled. Within 120 days after removal, the area shall be restored with either appropriate loam and seeding or sod.
Planting. The director of lands and natural resources shall approve for planting only such species in such minimum size as listed on the list of approved public shade trees and plantings included in a city council approved urban forestry plan.
(Ord. No. 1340, 11-21-02; Ord. No. 1648 , 5-19-16)
• Sec. 16-153. - Other public trees.
The director of lands and natural resources shall undertake the care and control of such public trees as located in city parks as delegated to him in writing by the city park and recreation commission and the care and control of such other public trees, other than the public shade trees for which he/she has primary responsibility, as required in a city council approved urban forestry plan.
It shall be unlawful for any person, other than as authorized by the city, to cut down, remove, deface, injure or post signs on any public tree. Violators shall be punished in the same manner as authorized and described in section 16-152(4) of this Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. No. 1340, 11-21-02; Ord. No. 1648 , 5-19-16)
• Sec. 16-154. - Private property.
The maintenance of any tree which is so diseased, decayed or infested with insects as to render the tree a hazard to the health and safety of any person or to public trees is declared to be a nuisance which may be abated as set forth herein.
The director of lands and natural resources shall have the right to enter upon any lands upon receipt of a written complaint to determine the condition of any tree located thereon. In the event that the director shall determine that maintenance of the tree or trees shall constitute a hazard to the health and safety of any person or is in such condition as to constitute a threat to other trees within the city, he or she may issue a written order to the property owner to remove said tree or trees. The order shall specify the reason the tree or trees are to be removed and a time for compliance which shall not be less than 14 days from the date of issuance of the order. If within 14 days of the date of issuance of the order, the property owner files a written request for a hearing with the director of lands and natural resources, the director shall set a time and place for hearing to determine whether or not the removal order shall be sustained. The director shall issue a written decision upon completion of the hearing which decision shall be final. In the event that the property owner does not, within 14 days of issuance of the order to remove the tree or trees or within 14 days of the issuance of a decision sustaining an initial order, whichever comes later, remove the tree or trees, the city may do so and may charge the reasonable costs incurred in such removal to the property owner to be recovered in an action at law instituted on the city's behalf by the director.
(Ord. No. 1340, 11-21-02)
They’d stood together for many years. Carolyn Simmers Gara
Carolyn Simmers Gara
They’d stood together for many years. Even the oldest of the trees didn’t remember anything but growing up beside the house. Over the years more trees joined them and between them they protected this little house. The story began with a family of two and quickly grew to a family of 7. The land was farmed with soybeans and corn and the couple worked from dawn til dark nursing their dream home and crops to fruition. One by one the children began to arrive and eventually the land was filled with the sounds of laughter and joy when they played together. There were 3 boys and 2 girls and they were so good about helping their parents work the farm. When chores were finished, they would climb the trees, sit in the crooks and read. One of the girls drew lovely pictures and one of the boys could carve wood into the most beautiful animals and birds. The trees gave them shade and shelter through the hot summers and stood against high winds and driving rain in Spring. The family had picnics under the trees, the children enjoyed the swings their father made hanging from the branches and sometimes when winters were especially hard the trees provided firewood to keep the family warm.
The years moved quickly it seemed and one by one the children went away. Finally, it was as in the beginning, just the two and their trees. Over time the children visited with their new families and the trees enjoyed the wonder of large family gatherings. Under the trees grandchildren were celebrated, friends were welcomed, delicious looking meals were served and, in some cases, beloved family pets were laid to rest. The trees welcomed them.
One day there was no longer a father. The mother sat long hours under her favorite tree looking at his picture and reading things aloud that he’d written. The children came to visit and there were always tears. Then the mother went away and the little house was closed up tight. The sentries kept watch and even managed to move a little closer. They wait for the family’s return and whisper in the night of their memories.
This photograph was taken by my friend David McGhee. As with many of the great moments in time he shares, it inspired me. I'm grateful. See Less
如果有來生,要做一棵樹 節錄於 三毛〈如果有來生〉
Dendrosenecio kilimanjari 菊科植物
Dendrosenecio kilimanjari 菊科植物
生長在吉力馬札羅山(Mount Kilimanjaro)4000公尺以下的區域
非洲梨木 莫阿比 Moabi
非洲梨木 莫阿比 Moabi
木材質地非常好,南歐人非常喜愛,因長的高容易被發現,幼年期50年,且每3年才結一次果, 是面臨威脅樹種。
St Edward's Parish Church north door flanked by yew trees.
St Edward's Parish Church north door flanked by yew trees.
請注意,在在最初的幾個世紀樹形相對簡單,在5百年後,樹木開始重複生長,最終會出現被稱為”燭台頂”現象(Candelabra tops),有沒有像蠟燭台呢?
Figure 102. Changes in crown form of western redcedar over time. Note that trees remain relatively simple for the first several centuries — it is only in great age that the individual character and candelabra tops often seen in ancient stands emerge.
Dr. Ed Gilman “An Illustrated Guide to Pruning“
Dr. Ed Gilman “An Illustrated Guide to Pruning“
Ed Gilman 博士是“修剪圖解指南”的作者,可以說是我們行業中關於樹木修剪的最完整和最易獲取的參考資料。這份綜合性的文本幫助無數專業的樹藝師和樹木外科醫生了解了培訓、修剪和修剪樹木的最佳實踐。
吉爾曼博士在佛羅里達大學工作和任教 30 多年,發表了 120 多篇科學論文。作為環境園藝系城市樹木和景觀植物的教授,他與樹木學家、顧問、景觀承包商、種植者、城市林業工作者、規劃師、景觀設計師和其他從事樹木選擇、種植、種植和管理問題的人一起工作。他的研究包括樹木修剪、錨地、根系、灌溉和施肥。吉爾曼教授還對使用適當的訓練和修剪進行了廣泛的研究,以幫助減少嚴重風事件(即颶風等)對成熟樹木的損害。
他於 2016 年夏天從學術界退休,但仍積極參與 ISA Florida 和 ANSI 修剪標準委員會。他對商業樹藝師的教育特別感興趣。
Dr. Ed Gilman is the author of “An Illustrated Guide to Pruning“, arguably the most complete and accessible reference on tree pruning in our industry. This comprehensive text has helped to inform countless professional arborists and tree surgeons on the best practices of training, trimming and pruning trees.
Dr. Gilman worked and taught at the University of Florida for over 30 years, publishing over 120 scientific papers. As a professor of Urban Trees and Landscape Plants in the Department of Environmental Horticulture, he worked with arborists, consultants, landscape contractors, growers, urban foresters, planners, landscape architects and others engaged in tree selection, growing, planting and management issues. His research included tree pruning, anchorage, roots, irrigation, and fertilization. Professor Gilman also did extensive research into the use of proper training and pruning to help reduce the damage to mature trees in severe wind events, i.e. hurricanes, etc.
He retired from academia in the summer of 2016 but remains actively involved with ISA Florida and with the ANSI Pruning Standards committee. He is particularly interested in the education of commercial arborists.
Dr. Gilman Arboriculture Video Series
Module 1: Tree mechanics and Structure
Module 2: Tree Anatomy & Biology
Module 3: Pruning cuts and Decay
Module 4: Roots
Module 5: Soil
Module 6: Designing for Trees in Urban Spaces
Module 7: Coming Soon!
Module 8: Nursery tree production and training
Module 9: Planting and establishment
Module 10: Pruning
Module 11: Diagnosing tree health and stability
義大利巴比安內羅別墅 (Villa del Balbianello)
義大利巴比安內羅別墅 (Villa del Balbianello)
(Villa del Balbianello)是位於義大利北部科莫省倫諾的一座別墅。它位於科莫湖西南分支的西岸,Dosso d'Avedo半島的頂端,以其精緻的花園而聞名。
自13世紀以來,Dosso d'Avedo半島的尖端有一個方濟各會修道院。修道院教堂鐘樓的雙塔仍然存在。
1785年,紅衣主教Angelo Maria Durini購買了修道院。1787年,他將修道院建築改建為別墅,用於夏天避暑,並且增加了涼廊,分別能看到二個不同的科莫湖全景。
1919年,美國商人巴特勒·埃姆斯購買了這座別墅。1974年,埃姆斯的繼承人把別墅賣給了商人和探險家Guido Monzino(第一個攀登珠穆朗瑪峰的義大利探險隊的領導人)。 1988年Monzino 死後,別墅歸屬義大利環境基金。
資料來源: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B7%B4%E6%AF%94%E5%AE%89%E5%86%85%E7%BD%97%E5%88%AB%E5%A2%85
巨大葉片新物種 Coccoloba P. Browne
巨大葉片新物種 Coccoloba P. Browne
葉子長度可達 2.5公尺,寬度 1.4公尺,分類在海葡萄屬,雌雄異株,在巴西亞馬遜雨林發現
December 2019Acta Amazonica 49(4):324-329
穿絲襪的樹 Millions of Spiders in Pakistan Encase Entire Trees in Webs
穿絲襪的樹 Millions of Spiders in Pakistan Encase Entire Trees in Webs
Effect of pruning type and severity on vibration properties and mass of Senegal mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) and rain tree (Samanea saman)
Effect of pruning type and severity on vibration properties and mass of Senegal mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) and rain tree (Samanea saman)
Daniel C. Burcham Colorado State University
Key message: During pruning, shortening branches to decrease crown size significantly affected the vibration properties and mass of trees, but the progressive removal of lower branches only altered mass—not vibration properties.