

在去年,智利中部森林火災(El Maule region),造成嚴重破壞,毀了超過100萬英畝森林,為了種植回復,這似乎是很堅難的任務。

不過,已有3隻邊境牧羊犬經過培訓,穿上特殊的背包,背著 20 磅的原生植物種子,沿路灑著,這些種子發芽後,有助於再生被毀壞的森林。
比人工更有效率,狗狗一天能播種 18 英里,而人只有幾英里,雖然可以用機器人或是無人機,但狗狗來做不昂貴,且有更少的碳足跡。

Who said dogs cannot disperse seeds and rebuild a forest?
Six-year-old Das and her two daughters, Olivia and Summer are three Border Collies who have been trained to run through the damaged forests with special backpacks that release native plant seeds. Once they take root, these seeds will help regrow the destroyed area.
This canine system is also more efficient than having people spread the seeds manually. These speedy canines can race through a forest and cover up to 18 miles a day. Humans, on the other hand, can only cover a few miles each day. These pups can scatter over 20 pounds of seeds, depending on the terrain. While robots or drones might be able to disperse seeds too, dogs aren’t as pricey to handle. Most importantly, they leave a lighter carbon footprint.

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