
本公司公開徵求「樹木溝通師」 認真!!

真的不知道在講麼个(gongˋ maˋ ge )BIRCH、BIRCH、BIRCH you should cedar ring magnolia got for her birthday. you never pine over me like that and it's not oak-k. in fact ,it makes me SYCAMORE. BIRCH、BIRCH、BIRCH 可能都是樹木的厘語,求專業大神翻譯

樹木環境的見證者 我就問有沒有樹有不在場證明 ?


正確修剪松樹 La corretta potatura dei pini. Intervista a Giovanni Morelli, tra i massimi esperti di pini in Europa

松樹管理 La corretta gestione dei pini. Intervista a Giovanni Morelli, tra i massimi esperti di pini in Europa