Cities skyline 教學資料

Cities skyline 教學資料


作者howar31 (影紫‧歐人)
標題[遊戲] Cities Skylines 交通系統新手指南  攻略
時間Mon Oct  5 10:11:59 2015

昨天在 Steam 攻略上發現由 brendan.rnp 撰寫的 Cities: Skylines 攻略
詳細的解說了城市交通的原理  並提供了基本的入門教學
  The Beginner's Guide to Traffic
因此我跟 brendan.rnp 聯絡  徵求他同意之後將攻略全文翻譯為中文
原來以前都在亂蓋(X)  有不少誤會和迷思
(例如馬路都要最大條、火車接十條鐵軌、圓環一定很流暢、蜈蚣型高速公路(?)... )
雖然這樣也是好好的蓋到幾乎所有設施都解鎖了啦...  ̄▽ ̄"
還有公車路線和地鐵站都感覺拉了跟沒拉一樣  好像沒人會搭
人行道和腳踏車道更是不知道該怎麼用  原本以為只是裝飾品而已
這些問題在 brendan.rnp 的攻略內大多有說明和教學
希望這篇攻略對於蓋城市有交通困難的玩家有所幫助 ⊙▽⊙/
原作者 brendan.rnp 是個超級城市迷
他發佈了非常多 Cities: Skylines 的攻略、圖片、文章、模組
雖然他Steam3  但截至目前為止他的 Cities: Skylines 已經超過兩千九百小時...




*4-lane roads without traffic lights (no mods) =  191 Vehicles p/min. 0:01
*4-lane roads with traffic lights (no mods) =  235 V. p/m 0:11
*4-lane roads with custom traffic lights (TMPE) =  303 V. p/m 0:21
*4-lane roads + left turn lane (NExt, TMPE) =  320 V. p/m 0:31
*6-lane roads without traffic lights (no mods) =  205 V. p/m 0:41
*6-lane roads with traffic lights (no mods) =  251 V. p/m 0:51
*6-lane roads with custom traffic lights (TMPE) =  417 V. p/m 1:01
*6-lane roads with protected left turns (TMPE) =  416 V. p/m 1:11
*6-lane roads with slip lanes (NExt, TMPE) =  465 V. p/m 1:21
*6-lane roads + slip lanes (NExt, TMPE) =  432 V. p/m 1:31
*8-lane roads with slip lanes (NExt, TMPE) =  490 V. p/m 1:41
*Standard Roundabout (no mods) = 8 V. p/m 1:51
*Standard Roundabout with highway road (no mods) = 340 V. p/m 2:01
*Large Roundabout (no mods) = 360 V. p/m 2:11
*Custom Roundabout with slip lanes (NExt, TMPE) = 532 V. p/m 2:21
*Turbo Roundabout (NExt, TMPE) = 501 V. p/m 2:31
*Continuous-flow intersection (NExt, TMPE) = 618 V. p/m 2:41
*Diamond Interchange without traffic lights (no mods) = 448 V. p/m 2:51
*Diamond Interchange with traffic lights (no mods) = 437 V. p/m 3:01
*D. I. with custom traffic lights and slip lanes (NExt, TMPE) = 529 V. p/m 3:11
*Diverging D. I. (NExt, TMPE) = 644 V. p/m 3:21
*Single point urban interchange (NExt, TMPE) = 581 V. p/m 3:31
*Dumbell (NExt, TMPE) = 443 V. p/m 3:31
*Large Dumbell with slip lanes (NExt, TMPE) = 528 V. p/m 3:41
*Partial Cloverleaf (B2) (NExt, TMPE) = 570 V. p/m 4:01
*Partial Cloverleaf (AB2) (NExt, TMPE) = 570 V. p/m 4:11
*Partial Cloverleaf (A4) (NExt, TMPE) = 639 V. p/m 4:21
*Two level Roundabout (NExt, TMPE) = 598 V. p/m 4:31
*Three level Roundabout (NExt, TMPE) = 623 V. p/m 4:41
*Standard Cloverleaf (no mods) = 516 V. p/m 4:51
*Custom Cloverleaf (NExt, TMPE) = 758 V. p/m 5:01
*Diverging Windmill (NExt, TMPE) = 808 V. p/m 5:11
*Pinavia (TMPE) = 905 V. p/m 5:21
*Turbine (NExt, TMPE) = 927 V. p/m 5:31
*Contraflow left  (NExt, TMPE) = 948 V. p/m 5:41
*Stack Interchange 2-lane ramps (NExt, TMPE) = 1099 V. p/m 5:51


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