樹冠的形狀大部份主要是由陽光和重力造成的,有些樹樹冠取決於這兩者的平衡而有特定形狀Tree crowns grow into self-similar shapes controlled by gravity and light sensing
樹冠的形狀大部份主要是由陽光和重力造成的,有些樹樹冠取決於這兩者的平衡而有特定形狀Tree crowns grow into self-similar shapes controlled by gravity and light sensing
A set of crown shapes obtained from a numerical computation, varying αg and αp, and with γ = 0.01. Green shapes (above the curve) have converged towards a self-similar-one, whereas grey shapes have not converged. For each shape, the parameter values correspond to the grid intersection. (Online version in colour.)
Sketch of a growing tree crown. h and v are unit horizontal and vertical vectors, respectively, n and t are the unit vectors, respectively, normal and tangent to the front and the unit vector ℓ points towards the mean direction of light, which is the first bisector of ![](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/images/eqs/null)
. The angle ψ = φ + π/2 represents the local amount of sunlight intercepted for this axisymmetric shape. The inset shows a zoom around the front to highlight the conditions for self-similarity of the growing shape. (Online version in colour.)
![Inline Formula](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/cms/asset/be3cdddf-94ed-4d7a-98e9-0ab2cbec736d/rsif20170976im1.gif)
Figure 2. Superimposed views of a tree crown growth for two different initial conditions. In (a), the initial shape is a circle and in (b) a circle with a significant ![](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/images/eqs/null)
perturbation. Parameters are: αg = αp = 0 and γ = 0.01. The light green curves correspond to different instants. The dark-green curves correspond to the self-similar solution after a long period. The shape is rescaled at each time step in order to keep its volume constant equal to one. (Online version in colour.)
![Inline Formula](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/cms/asset/52598a32-b943-4f4f-80a2-01f12ff7fe0f/rsif20170976im2.gif)
Attracting shapes obtained for different values of γ: γ = 0.04, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005 and 0.0025, with αg = αp = 0 (a) and αg = 0.8, αp = − 1 (b). The envelope of the grey lines given by equation (4.4) is the expected self-similar shape. When γ → 0, the time-evolving shapes converge towards this self-similar shape. (Online version in colour.)
Figure 5. (a) Trajectories of points along the front, for the cases αg = αp = 0 and (b) αg = αp = 2. Starting from the self-similar profile corresponding to t = 1, 31 points are advected backward in time using equation (2.1) until t = 0.1.
Figure 7. Comparison between real tree crowns and self-similar shapes of the model: (a) Betula pubescens, αg = 0.927, αp = 0.267, d = 0.022; (b) Quercus castaneifolia, αg =−1.00, αp = 0.353, d = 0.019; (c) Enterolobium cyclocarpum, αg =−0.490, αp =−0.488, d = 0.023 (black curve: αg =−1.00, αp = 0.034, d = 0.020), (d) Thuja occidentalis, αg = 0.379, αp =−1.23, d = 0.018 (black curve: αg = 5.00, αp = 2.69, d = 0.079). The red curve represents the best fit and the black curve the best fit with αp > 0. See the electronic supplementary material for comparisons with other tree species. (Online version in colour.)
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