


目前最高的樹是海波(Hyperion),在2006年9月測得高度115.54公尺(379.1英尺),樹種為海岸紅杉(紅杉),由Chris Atkins和邁克爾•泰勒發現,在紅杉國家公園,加利福尼亞,美國。
進行初始計量讀取115.24米(378.1英尺)的高度,但它再次測量博士史蒂夫西萊特,麥克•泰勒,克里斯•阿特金斯和羅伯特•範•佩爾特攀登它拖放一個捲尺。 值得注意的是,海波坐落在一個山坡上(不沖積平),其中周邊地區的96%已被記錄其原有的海岸紅杉的生長。 
註: 第一個發現最高樹的人有權為樹取名

原文The tallest tree currently growing is Hyperion, which measured 115.54 m (379.1 ft) in September 2006. This coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) was discovered by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor (both USA) in the Redwood National Park, California, USA on 25 August 2006.The initial measurement read a height of 115.24 m (378.1 ft), however it was measured again by Dr Steve Sillett, Mike Taylor, Chris Atkins and Robert van Pelt by climbing it and dropping a tapeline.Remarkably, Hyperion is situated on a hillside (not alluvial flat), 96% of the surrounding area of which has been logged of its original coast redwood growth.Atkins and Taylor had just earlier (1 July 2006) discovered two other coast redwoods in the same park, both of which also beat the previous holder, Stratosphere Giant. Their initial measurements concluded that: Helios measured 114.69 m (376.3 ft) and Icarus, 113.14 m (371.2 ft).


至於creosote plants的植物 - 個體很少的年齡超過200年,所以對他們的任何記錄一個克隆,發現於1980年在附近的棕櫚泉,加州沙漠中的石炭酸灌木的不是個體,例如報告中 - 這是年齡在11,700年老,是一種克隆,而不是一個單獨的樹。

The oldest trees in the world are the bristlecone pines (Pinus longaeva) of California's White Mountains, USA. The oldest individual tree, christened "Methuselah" was found by Dr Edmund Schulman (USA) and dated in 1957 as being 4,600 years old, although some scientists claim to have found one even older. The location is kept secret to protect the trees from vandalism. The annual growth rings of old trees provide a valuable insight into our changing climate: the bristlecone climate record from dead wood extends back more than 9,000 years.
The Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest is located at around (10,000 ft) 3,048m in the White Mountains, east of the Sierra Nevada. Over time the wind and rain has moulded the trees into strange shapes and forms made even more unusual by the sunshine, altitude and clean crisp air. Dr. Edmund Schulman was a scientist from the University of Arizona when he came across the Methuselah and an area in the forest is named the Schulman Grove in his honour. This is 'individual' as it is not a clone. It is rare for any individual tree to exceed 3-4,000 years old. Other old individual trees are: specimens of Sequoias, western juniper, Patagonian cypress and possibly Alaskan cedar have all aged over 4,000 years have been known.
As for creosote plants - individuals rarely age over 200 years, so any record for them would be for a clone, not an individual e.g reports of a creosote bush found in 1980 in the desert near Palm Springs, California - which was aged at 11,700 years old, is a clone, not an individual tree.
Ron Hildebrant warned us about a future challenger to Methuselah - see attachment.


於2007年的聖誕節,最大的聖誕樹85米(278英尺10英寸)的高度,在羅德里戈塔斯潟湖在里約熱內盧,巴西。該樹是由Bradesco的保險股份ÉPrevidência贊助。 二百八十萬小燈泡及37公里(22.99英里)發光管被用在了樹上。

The largest floating Christmas tree measures 85 m (278 ft 10 in) in height and was erected as an annual tradition in Rodrigo De Freitas Lagoon in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil for Christmas 2007. The tree was sponsored by Bradesco Seguros e Previdência.
2.8 million micro lamps & 37 km (22.99 miles) luminous hose were used on the tree.


於2012年4月29日,由Haltugaon森林部,Kokrajhar與135步兵營(TA)的生態特遣部隊和第15大隊的多格拉團,100人的團隊在1小時內種植的是40,885棵,地點在Kokrajhar區,阿薩姆邦,印度 。

The most trees planted by a team of 100 people in 1 hour is 40,885 and was achieved by Haltugaon Forest Division, Kokrajhar in partnership with 135 Infantry Battalion (TA) Eco Task Force and 15th Battalion the Dogra Regiment (all India) in Kokrajhar District, Assam, India, on 29 April 2012.
The motto of the record attempt was 'Plant Trees, Save Lives' and the aim was to save the forests of the region and to increase environmental awareness.



世界上最古老行道樹是日光柳杉大道,包括三個部分在日本的栃木縣,總長度35.41公里(35公里)。種植時期在1628年至1648年,其原有的200,000柳杉柳杉超過13,500棵存活,平均高度為 27公尺(88英尺6英寸)。
The world's longest avenue is the Nikko Cryptomeria Avenue comprising three parts converging on Imaichi City in the Tochigi Prefecture of Japan, with a total length of 35.41 km (22 miles). Planted in 1628–48, over 13,500 of its original 200,000 Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) trees survive, at an average height of 27 m (88 ft 6 in).


人們裝扮成大樹的最大規模的聚會是516人,是由波蘭Goluchów飯店Osrodek Kultury Lesnej瓦特Goluchowie,於2013年9月30日完成。 

The largest gathering of people dressed as trees is 516 and was achieved by Osrodek Kultury Lesnej w Goluchowie (Poland), in Goluchów, Poland, on 30 September 2013.
The 516 participants gathered in the shape of a tree next to a large oak tree named 'Jan'.


The record for the most palm trees planted in 10 years is 42 million and was achieved by the United Arab Emirates between 1999 and 2009.



世界上最危險的樹位於佛羅里達大沼澤地與加勒比海沿岸manchineel(Hippomane mancinella)。它的樹幹散發出的汁液是有毒的酸性,與人體皮膚接觸會起水泡,如果碰到人的眼睛可能會失明。在雨中滴下的水足以引起中毒。,它的小綠蘋果般果實的吃到會起水泡和劇烈疼痛,並且會致命。樹木起火產生的煙也會導致失明。

原文:A member of the spurge family, the world´s most dangerous tree is the manchineel (Hippomane mancinella) of the Florida Everglades and the Caribbean coast. The sap that its trunk exudes is so poisonous and acidic that the merest contact with human skin causes a breakout of blisters, and blindness can occur if it touches a person´s eyes. Even standing under it in the rain is enough to cause blistering if the skin is wetted by raindrops containing any sap. In addition, a single bite of its small green apple-like fruit causes blistering and severe pain, and can prove fatal. And if one of these deadly trees is burned, the resulting smoke can cause blindness if it reaches a person´s eyes.

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