馬達加斯加猴麵包樹起源 The rise of baobab trees in Madagascar
馬達加斯加猴麵包樹起源 The rise of baobab trees in Madagascar
a, A summary of the predicted evolutionary history of baobabs under the Madagascar-origin hypothesis showing the probable migration routes of A. digitata and A. gregorii. The location of a controversial ancient land bridge49,50 between Africa and Madagascar is shown (dotted box) along with key evolutionary events. b, A summary of the diversification of Malagasy baobab species, including dynamic changes in population sizes, recurrent introgression and geographic isolation from 10 Ma to present. The size of each species block around 10 Ma corresponds to the estimated population size based on a PSMC model and predicted ecological inferences, and the thick red lines show proposed gene flow based on f-branch analysis (translucent red lines indicate proposed introgression that is undetectable using present methods). *Indicates the time approximation given by the PSMC model.
a, The distribution of eight baobab species and their conservation status in IUCN. The coloured patches represent the occurrence of each baobab species. b, A maximum-likelihood tree from the concatenation of 999 SCN genes. Median ages of the nodes are shown and a timescale is provided at the bottom; grey horizontal bars show 95% CIs of estimated divergence dates between lineages. The geographic occurrence of the Adansonia species is designated: Af, African lineage; Au, Australian lineage and Malagasy species. c, Coalescence analyses of 999 concatenated SCN genes. Summary of the proportion of gene tree topologies using either SCN genes (that is, gene-based) or synteny-guided genomic blocks. d, Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic relationships of Adansonia inferred from analysing concatenated synteny-guided genomic blocks. e, The Adansonia phylogeny based on CNVs (calculated as a pairwise edit distance of duplications and deletions). A. gregorii was selected for the identification of CNVs to circumvent any potential bias caused by using species with a closer phylogenetic relationship as the reference. f, The proportions of conflicting maximum-likelihood gene tree topologies. The acronyms used for the species are as in a. Numbers represent the percentage of trees with the given topology (SCN gene dataset/synteny-guided genomic blocks). The topologies are sketched to show the different placements of each lineage, regardless of the branch length.
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