

顆粒污染物(PM)是微小顆粒,這些微小顆粒會進人體的肺部。美國大自然保護協會研究預測,到 2050年, PM 污染每年可造成約 620 萬人死亡。在研究世界上 245個城市,種樹和其它減少空氣污染方法相比,種樹具有成本競爭力上的優勢,樹木附近的顆粒污染物可以減少 7%24%,降溫效果可以達到攝氏2 度。

根據聯合國世界衛生組織的數據,在2012年空氣污染導至 300萬人過早死亡,大多數發生在低收入和中等收入的國家。2014年,全球 90%城市居民呼吸的空氣品質超過世界衛生組織建議標準。

如果每年所有人花 4美元種樹,所有人可以節省11,00036,000美元醫療費用,最主要的原因是樹木可以淨化空氣,避免因空污發生的死亡,還有免除更多的住院與治療。

在英國倫敦城市樹木, 可以清除空氣污染、固碳、減少水的流失等,每年可以增加1.33 億英鎊的益處。
在這個世紀,城市將會有 20 億人口,智能城市應該考慮如何將自然與樹樹木作為保持空氣乾淨的解決方案。


Growth of city trees can cut air pollution, says report

Trees are estimated to provide the equivalent of "at least £133 million" of benefits each year in London, such as cutting air pollution, a study suggests

Planting trees is a cost-effective way to tackle urban air pollution, which is a growing problem for many cities.

A study by US-based The Nature Conservancy (TNC) reported than the average reduction of particulate matter near a tree was between 7% and 24%.

Particulate matter (PM) is microscopic particles that become trapped in the lungs of people breathing polluted air.

PM pollution could claim an estimated 6.2 million lives each year by 2050, the study suggests.

Lead author Rob McDonald said that city trees were already providing a lot of benefits to people living in urban areas.

"The average reduction of particulate matter near a tree is between 7-24%, while the cooling effect is up to 2C (3.6F). There are already tens of millions of people getting those kinds of benefits," he said.

Dr McDonald said the study of the use of trees in 245 cities around the world compared the cost-effectiveness of trees with other methods of cooling and cleaning air.

"On that front, trees are cost competitive with other options," he told BBC News.

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