智慧城市 - 寫 e-mail 給樹

智慧城市 - e-mail 給樹

在墨爾本,可以寫信給樹木,樹木也可能回信。墨爾本市政府,給市區的每棵樹編唯一的ID,讓民眾能夠為個別的樹木寫信,在2013、14年,已收到 3000 封信。民眾透過寄電子郵件讓樹木管理單位知道,這棵樹是否健康,管理單位可以很快派員檢查處理。



Golden Elm Tree ID 1040779

11 July 2015

親愛的金榆樹,我終於找到你了!  我每天去學校都會看到你,但我不知道你是那一種樹。你是這座城市中最美麗的樹,我愛你^_^ 總是很高興看到你站在那裡,不的不說,你擁有最美麗的樹冠,樹枝上亮綠的葉子與深色的樹幹形成鮮明的對比,我們城市應該要有更多像你一樣的樹木。

Golden Elm Tree ID 1040779

11 July 2015

Dearest Golden Elm Tree, I finally found you! As in I see you everyday on my way to uni, but I had no idea of what kind of tree you are. You are the most beautiful tree in the city and I love you ^_^ It always makes me so happy to see you standing there minding your own business. I have to say, you have the most beautiful canopy and I love how the light green leaves on your branches contrast with the darkness of your trunk. We really should have more trees of your kind in our city.

Stay awesome.

Hugs! A

Variegated Elm, Tree ID 1033102

13 July 2015


原文:Variegated Elm, Tree ID 1033102

13 July 2015

Dear Elm, I was delighted to find you alive and flourishing, because a lot of your family used to live in the UK,

 but they all caught a terrible infection and died. Do be very careful, and if you notice any unfamiliar insects e-mail an arboriculturist at once. I miss your characteristic silhouettes and beautifully shaped branches - used to be one of the glories of the English landscape - more than I can say. Melbourne must be a beautiful city.



As I was leaving St Mary's College today I was struck , not by a branch, but by your radiant beauty. You must get these messages all the time. You're such an attractive tree,"


Sincere good wishes, D

As I was leaving St Mary's College today I was struck , not by a branch, but by your radiant beauty. You must get these messages all the time. You're such an attractive tree,”

My favourite email was sent to tree number 1022165 at the end of May of this year:

"Dear Green Leaf Elm, I hope you like living at St Mary's. Most of the time I like it too. I have exams coming up and I should be busy studying. You do not have exams because you are a tree. I don't think there is much more to talk about as we don't have a lot in common, you being a tree and such. But I'm glad we're in this together."

In 1975, the singer Don Estelle, advised "whispering grass don't tell the trees, because the trees don't need to know". Well, maybe they do.

Selected treemail (July 2015)
Weeping Myrtle, Tree ID 1494392

5 July 2015

Hello Weeping Myrtle,

I'm sitting inside near you and I noticed on the urban tree map you don't have many friends nearby. I think that's sad so I want you to know I'm thinking of you. I also want to thank you for providing oxygen for us to breath in the hustle and bustle of the city.

Best Regards, N

Gum, Tree ID 1032002

11 July 2015

Dear Gum,

Apologies if that's not the form of address you prefer. I wanted very much to tell you how much I miss your family. I've lived in Texas for two and a half years now, and I so fervently miss the heady scent of your cologne as the morning sun warms you.

I miss your gentle swish swish as the wind tousles your leaves playfully. I miss your strong white trunk, rising majestically from the earth, striking up towards the clouds. I miss the dappled shade you so generously provide.

The sound of magpies, harbouring in your foliage, does not grace my ears. The silver green of your long, lithe leaves does not appear in my current surrounds.

I miss you, Gum. I miss all that you represent for me. Stand tall and strong, and know that my heart reaches out to you across the seas.

With immense fondness, A

Golden Elm Tree ID 1040779

11 July 2015

Dearest Golden Elm Tree, I finally found you! As in I see you everyday on my way to uni, but I had no idea of what kind of tree you are. You are the most beautiful tree in the city and I love you ^_^ It always makes me so happy to see you standing there minding your own business. I have to say, you have the most beautiful canopy and I love how the light green leaves on your branches contrast with the darkness of your trunk. We really should have more trees of your kind in our city.

Stay awesome.

Hugs! A

Variegated Elm, Tree ID 1033102

13 July 2015

Dear Elm, I was delighted to find you alive and flourishing, because a lot of your family used to live in the UK, but they all caught a terrible infection and died. Do be very careful, and if you notice any unfamiliar insects e-mail an arboriculturist at once. I miss your characteristic silhouettes and beautifully shaped branches - used to be one of the glories of the English landscape - more than I can say. Melbourne must be a beautiful city.

Sincere good wishes, D

English Elm, Tree ID 1032245

14 July 2015

Are you and your fellow English Elms enjoying the Ashes series as much as we in England are, and are you giving the native Aussie trees some stick over their team's performance?


[Note: Two days after this email was sent, Australia ended the first day of the second Ashes test on 337-1- "the most one-sided day of Test cricket you could ever see", as the BBC's Stephan Shemilt put it.]

Brush Box, Tree ID 1039919

14 July 2015

Hello, dear Tree. I read about this wonderful project and suppose to write you from another side of Earth - Russia. I hope you have a good care and don't sick. One day we will meet, may be.

Yours truly, R

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