白樺樹根檢測到塑膠微粒 Microplastic inclusion in birch tree roots

 白樺樹根檢測到塑膠微粒 Microplastic inclusion in birch tree roots

Fig. 1. Longitudinal cross-section showing microplastic particles inside a birch lateral root in a one-year-old birch tree after being exposed to contaminated soil for 5 months. Clockwise from top left shows cross sections using light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Arrows point to fluorescing microplastic particles. Inset in bottom right panel shows the area indicated by the arrows in the bottom left panel after enlargement. All images have been enhanced using a contrast and brightness correction. Scales are shown in the bottom right or left corner of the respective image.

Fig. 2. Confocal laser scanning micrographs of two birch root cross sections showing the incorporation of microplastic particles in a one-year-old tree after being exposed to contaminated soil for 5 months. The location of microplastic particles are indicted by arrows and highlighted inside the circle. In the left image, the upper and right panels show the orthogonal view of the z-stacks, showing the presence of the fluorescing microplastic particle within the sample slice. The location of microplastic particles is indicated by arrows, circle, and guidelines from the circle to each z-stack. All images have been enhanced using a contrast and brightness correction. Scale is shown in the bottom right or left corner of the respsective image.



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